Thursday, February 14, 2013

BFF Open House Link Party #92: Happy Heart Day!

The Answer Is Chocolate

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope your day has been filled with love and of course chocolate! Any chocolate ( or other favorite treat) calories consumed today of course don't count.

Seems like we were just here for a party doesn't it? I know I've seen some amazing projects out there in the blogosphere this week so hopefully many of them will get linked up here for all to see. Let's get to it shall we?

(Linkup closed)


Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time to host and have an awesome weekend!

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

Thank you for inviting me and for hosting! My What We Accomplished Wednesday blog party live right now if you'd like to link something up too. Happy Valentines!

hugs, Deborah

Unknown said...

Thanks for the party, Carol! Have a super weekend!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting again this week! Can't wait to see what everyone links up :)

Hope to see you over at my weekend link party @The Weekend re-Treat

Heather @ The Unsophisticated Kitchen said...

Thanks for hosting! This is my first time linking up here and I am your newest follower via GFC!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting!

Erika Monroe-Williams "The Hopeless Housewife" said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you had a magical Valentine's Day! :) - Erika @

Dixie n Dottie said...

Thanks for the link up! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Happy weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting!